
The Mrraldan Trilogy

Hi, I'm Your Local Alien.

On my world, I was a university professor. So, I am not a stranger to writing articles. I wrote plenty of them at Western Continent University #7. But those were scientific articles, and they were well-scrutinized by my academic peers. In these blogs, I can finally express my own opinions. You can agree with me or disagree. It’s OK with me either way. You can always let me know at It may take me a while to get back to you since I am exceedingly busy at the embassy. In the meantime, you can read about me and my adventures in Peter Leighton’s book The Invasion of Mrralda.

I should tell you that my timeline exists in your early 23rd century. Some people tell me that revealing future events might have “dire consequences.” I see it differently. We can be time-fluid if we are responsible. If someone tells you what you could do to avoid creating something dangerous in your present, you can act on it in the now. For example, failure to change your relationship with fossil fuels will create the problems you will experience on your planet in my timeline. On our world we used our oil to create solar panels that run everything. It’s often difficult to change and we can get so comfortable with things we feel we have to settle for. As I am writing this, my husband Lee gave me a “thumbs up” sign which I learned means “OK.” I will talk to you again soon. “Be kind to yourself in all things” is a saying on my planet when translated to English. That’s what I wish for all of you.