
The Mrraldan Trilogy
Peter's BLOG

The Nature of Fiction

Nov 17, 2023 by Peter Leighton

It has come to my attention that one person & perhaps more than one person read "Eoni's" Blog and let me know that it was "Fake." I responded that it was "Fiction." Is there a difference? I'd say it is only in your intention. My intention is to entertain. Eoni's Blog was created not to fool anyone that this character in my book is a real person (except, perhaps in the realm of the imagination) but to engage readers of science fiction.

Hi, I'm Your Local Alien.

Sep 22, 2023 by Eoni Xorea Sant

Hi, my name is Eoni. I’m not from around here. Actually, my home is all the way across to the other side of the galaxy; a planet called Mrralda. My husband, Lee, is an Earther like you are but became a Mrraldan citizen on his first trip there. On our timeline, our government asked us to take part in a diplomatic mission to your world. So, Lee and I ARE now the Mrraldan Embassy.

From the sketch of me, you can tell that I am a different species of human. While your evolutionary ancestors were primates, ours were felines (cats). The interesting thing is that we two species have more in common with each other than with either of our evolutionary ancestors. Our geneticists called it “convergent evolution.” It’s an amazing perspective: we change our environment, and, in turn, it changes us. It’s really all a part of “The One.”